Report a Vulnerability


At HaxSploit, we prioritize the security and integrity of our systems and platforms. We welcome the collaborative efforts of the cybersecurity community to help us identify and address potential vulnerabilities. If you believe you've discovered a security vulnerability within our services, we encourage you to report it to us promptly.

Guidelines for Reporting:

1. Scope: Vulnerabilities should be reported only for assets within the domain.
2. Responsible Disclosure: Please ensure responsible disclosure by not exploiting any discovered vulnerabilities for malicious purposes.

1. Steps to Report:

    • Send an email to [email protected] with a detailed description of the vulnerability.
    • Provide steps to reproduce the vulnerability, including any necessary tools or scripts.

2. Hall of Fame:

    • Valid and impactful reports will be acknowledged in our Hall of Fame, recognizing the contributions of security researchers and ethical hackers.

What We Expect:

  • Clear and concise details about the vulnerability.
  • A proof-of-concept or steps to reproduce the issue.
  • A commitment to responsible and ethical disclosure.

What We Don't Expect:

  • Exploiting the vulnerability for any malicious purposes.
  • Violating the privacy of our users.

By reporting vulnerabilities to us, you contribute to enhancing the security posture of our platform, making the digital landscape safer for everyone. We appreciate the efforts of the security community in keeping cyberspace secure.

Note: This is an unpaid program, and any reports submitted will be reviewed and acknowledged based on their validity and impact.